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Thriving Economy

Republicans are committed to ending the Democrats’ plans to increase your taxes to make Oregon more affordable for the people who live and do business here.

  • Lower income taxes for working families – It’s YOUR money!

  • Stop new tax hikes and tolls – Oregonians just can’t afford it!

  • Repeal the Corporate Activity Tax (CAT) to unleash small business’ potential and reduce fees on consumers.

  • Protect the Kicker

  • Cut regulations and red tape that are stifling economic growth, shutting down businesses, and costing jobs.

Affordable Housing and Ending Homelessness

Housing in Oregon is too expensive because of bad policies. Republicans will make it easier to build so that supply will increase, prices will fall, and more Oregonians can realize the American dream.

  • Eliminate burdensome regulations that prevent construction and increase costs.

  • Support our Hometown Heroes (veterans, military, nurses, teachers, and law enforcement) by providing down payment assistance to those who serve our communities.

  • Freeze property taxes for senior citizens.

  • Ban squatting and allow local municipalities to address homelessness in the way they see fit.

  • Provide housing credits for newlyweds planting roots and starting their families in Oregon.

Safe Streets, Drug-Free Communities

Oregonians should not have to live in fear because drugs and crime have overrun our streets – all while Democrat politicians vilify law enforcement. Republicans will make Oregon safe for all.

  • Invest in law enforcement and incentivizing recruitment and retention. 

  • Crack down on porch pirates, sex offenders, and human traffickers with stiffer penalties.

  • End catch-and-release and reforming sentencing so that dangerous and repeat offenders stay in jail.

  • Ban public use, mandate treatment for users, and send dealers to jail.

  • Provide oversight of Measure 110 reform and claw back money spent on progressive activists who enable drug use and instead fund evidence-based treatment at the county and community levels.


Oregon’s state leaders are failing the next generation by putting politics over students. Republicans know that the future begins in the classroom, and our kids deserve better.

  • Parents matter – As a parent, you have a right to be involved in the education of your child. 

  • Reinstate basic education standards so that Oregon’s graduates can be prepared for the future.

  • Implement school choice – No child should be trapped in a failing school because of their zip code.

  • Invest in workforce training, apprenticeships, and community college to develop skilled labor needed to fill high-demand, high-paying jobs.

  • Cut waste in government and redirect more money toward education.


We are a nation of immigrants, and seasonal immigrant labor meets critical workforce needs in the agriculture sector. However, the open border has invited drug dealers, human smugglers, and even people on the terror watch list to enter. Republicans believe we should know precisely who and what is coming into our country.

  • Protect the ability for those in agriculture to use regulated, legal immigrant labor to fulfill workforce shortages. 

  • Require that law enforcement report illegal immigrants to ICE if they are arrested while committing a crime in the United States.

  • Ban and defund "sanctuary cities" so that Oregon complies with national law.

  • Redirect state spending on illegal immigrants so that Oregonians' tax dollars are being invested on moving the state forward.

  • Encourage state leaders to participate in initiatives taken on by other states to stem the flow of illegal immigration. 

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